Adding a credit card to your myEasyhost account gives you the possibility to make quick payments with a single click, without having to fill in your bank card details every time you make a payment.
You have the following methods to be able to add a new bank card:
1. By accessing my Easyhost account, Billing settings -> Payment methods -> Add a bank card.
2. While making a payment from the Invoices sectionȘ
Before saving the new payment method, you can check "Enable automatic payments for this card (set primary credit card)" to add a bank card available for automatic payments to your account.
Thus, when issuing an invoice, the payment is made automatically without the need to fill in the bank card details again or initiate a new payment.
If you do not want to save the card to your account, you can delete it, after payment is done, by accessing the Billing Settings -> Payment Methods section.
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